When a prospective client meets with a lawyer for the first time, that meeting is called an initial consultation. This meeting is usually free of charge and gives both the client and attorney the opportunity to discuss the case and see if they are a good fit for each other.

While this first meeting is typically an informal conversation with no strings attached for either party, you should be well-prepared for it. At Louis B. Himmelstein & Associates, we are proud to serve our community throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey. This includes keeping them well-informed. 

Gather all Relevant Evidence and Documents

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for your first meeting with a lawyer, is to ensure you have all the documentation related to the case. This includes photos, medical records, police reports, insurance claims, and names of potential witnesses. This will allow the attorney to evaluate your case and provide you with the information you need.

Write Down Your Questions 

Make a list of questions you want to ask before you meet with your lawyer. Sometimes it’s difficult to think of everything when you’re in a meeting and perhaps feeling stressed. Ask about the lawyer’s experience with cases like yours, the possible outcomes, and their fees. The answers will help you make an informed decision about whether this attorney is right for you. 

Be Prepared to Answer Questions Honestly

A lawyer can provide the best service possible when you are completely open and honest about your situation and the case at hand. Be as specific as possible, and give them an honest account of what occurred. Don’t leave out or add anything that isn’t true or can be refuted by witnesses or other documentation. 

Dress Appropriately

It may sound unimportant, but keep in mind that the initial consultation is not only where you decide if you want the attorney to represent you, but the attorney is deciding if they want to represent you. If possible, dress as you would for a job interview. 

Turn off all Devices

It’s critical that both you and your prospective attorney give each other your undivided attention during the consultation. Be sure to silence or shut off all devices before entering the office. 

Contact Louis B. Himmelstein & Associates

If you have been hurt and need to file a lawsuit or personal claim due to injury, auto accident, or other reasons, the expert legal team at Louis B. Himmelstein is here for you. We will work with you through the entire legal process to ensure the best possible outcome. 

Contact us to schedule a consultation today!